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the valley of Chamounix

Properly Chamonix, this valley lies in France at the northern approach to Mont Blanc. Mary and Percy Bysshe Shelley, along with Claire Clairmont, made an excursion to this valley of almost a week from 21 to 27 July, 1816, while Mary was deep in the writing of her novel. A long description of the excursion, written by Shelley to Thomas Love Peacock, was included in A History of a Six Weeks' Tour: see Letter 4.
This is the valley of Chamonix from the summit of the Flégère peak to the north, with the chain of Mont Blanc rising above it.

The village of Chamonix.


From Walter Woodburn Hyde, "The Ascent of Mont Blanc," in National Geographic, 24:8 (August 1913), 861-942.