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The Sorrows of Werter

By Johann Wolfgang Goethe


May 13.

YOU offer me books; I will have nothing to do with them: for heaven's sake don't send me any. I don't wish to be again guided, heated, agitated. Alas! my heart is of itself but too much agitated already. I want strains that may lull me; and Homer furnishes them in abundance. Often have I strove to calm the blood that seemed boiling in my veins; often have I endeavoured to stop the keen and sudden passions of my heart {8} -- But 'tis not to you that I need explain its feelings; you have often seen with concern my quick transitions from sorrow to immoderate joy, and from melancholy to violent and dangerous passions. My heart is like a sick child: and like a sick child I let it have its way: -- But that between ourselves; for I know I should be blamed for it.