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The Sorrows of Werter

By Johann Wolfgang Goethe


August 4.

I AM not alone unfortunate; men are all disappointed in their hopes, and all their schemes fall to the ground. I have been to see the good woman under the lime-trees. The eldest boy ran out to meet me; he screamed for joy, and that brought out his mother. She looked very melan- {146} choly. "Alas! my good Sir," said she, "our poor little Jenny is dead; (that was the youngest of her children.) I answered nothing -- "And my husband," she continued, "came back from Holland without any money; he was taken ill with a fever; and if some good people had not relieved him, he must have been obliged to beg his bread along the road." I could say nothing to her: I gave some money to the boy; and she offered me some apples, which I accepted, and full of sorrow left the place.