Contents Index

Editorial Principles

General Editorial Principles -- Textual Emendations -- Annotations

General Editorial Principles

All texts are transcribed from reliable standard editions. In the case of translated works, every effort has been made to select an edition known to, or contemporary with, Mary Shelley.

The following silent emendations have been introduced throughout:

In the textual variants screens, deleted material from the 1818 edition is printed [thus], while material added to the 1831 edition appears <thus>. Substantive variants from the draft manuscript, or from the surviving sheets of the printer's fair copy, are rendered, respectively, {MS thus} and {FC thus}.

Emendations to the 1818 Text of Frankenstein

Corrected Errors in Typography

The following frames contain silent corrections to the text, which can, however, be reached through the textual variants screens.

Manuscript Variants

The abbreviations MS and FC used in the textual variants frames indicate substantive differences in the text inscribed in, respectively, the extensive draft notebooks and the brief sections of Volume 3 that survive in a printer's fair copy. These are derived from The Frankenstein Notebooks, ed. Charles E. Robinson, 2 vols. (New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1996). It should be emphasized that no attempt has been made here to present a total textual collation, recording accidental differences of punctuation, pronoun substitution, and the like, between the draft manuscript and printed text. Rather, the textual differences cited here, either in their connotations or stylistic values, seem to call attention to themselves by in some measure countering the published text. Intriguing as they may be, we cannot tell whether they were canceled in portions of the fair copy that do not survive or in the printer's proof, or, conversely, whether they were inadvertently altered by the compositor and then not noticed by Mary Shelley in proof.

The following frames contain substantive manuscript variants; these are here enumerated first, with the 1818 printed text following:

Annotations Unique to the 1818 and 1831 Texts


Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3


Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Notes that are converted from 1818 to 1831

Volume 1

General Editorial Principles -- Textual Emendations -- Annotations