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Samuel Johnson's Definition of Magnetism

From Samuel Johnson, The Dictionary of the English Language (1755):

MAGNET. n.s. [magnes, Latin.] The loadstone; the stone that attracts iron.

Two magnets, heav'n and earth, allure to bliss,
The larger loadstone that, the nearer this. Dryden.

It may be reasonable to ask, whether obeying the magnet be essential to iron? Locke.

MAGNETICAL, MAGNETICK. adj. [from magnet.]

1. Relating to the magnet.

Review this whole magnetick scheme. Blackmore.

Water is nineteen times lighter, and by consequence nineteen times rarer, than gold; and gold is so rare as very readily, and without the least opposition, to transmit the magnetick effluvia, and easily to admit quicksilver into its pores, and to let water pass through it. Newton's Opticks.

2. Having powers correspondent to those of the magnet.
The magnet acts upon iron through all dense bodies not magnetick, nor red hot, without any diminution of its virtue; as through gold, silver, lead, glass, water. Newton's Opt.
3. Attractive; having the power to draw things distant.
The moon is magnetical of heat, as the sun is of cold and moisture. Bacon's Nat. Hist.

She should all parts to reunion bow;
She, that had all magnetick force alone,
To draw and fasten hundred parts in one. Donne.

They, as they move tow'rds his all-chearing lamp,
Turn swift their various motions, or are turn'd
By his magnetick beam. Milton's Par. Lost, b. iii.

4. Magnetick is once used by Milton for magnet.
Draw out with credulous desire, and lead
At will the manliest, resolutest breast,
As the magnetick hardest iron draws. Milton's Par. Reg.
MAGNETISM. n.s. [from magnet.] Power of the loadstone; power of attraction.
Many other magnetisms, and the like attractions through all the creatures of nature. Brown's Vulgar Errours, b. ii.

By the magnetism of interest our affections are irresistably attracted. Glanville's Scep.